Sabtu, 28 April 2012

menyimpan senja

Menikmati hening, sama dengan menyuguhkan hal-hal yang memang harus direnungkan.

Ini bukan pertama kalinya saya duduk diam sendirian memandangi senja, tapi kemarin senja mempesona. Melipir sebentar, merasakan nafas sejenak, mengambil beberapa gambar untuk saya bawa pulang kemarin sepulang kerja. Saya bahagia ketika semesta masih berbaik hati menyuguhkan sesuatu yang  indah. 

Melihat anak-anak kecil bermain layang-layang dan mereka berjalan, saya tidak menyangka mereka mendatangi saya
“mba ngapain mba di sini?”
“ga ngapa-ngapain…”
“terus mba mau kemana?
“ga kemana-mana juga, cuma mau liat-liat aja”
Akhirnya mereka kembali bermain lagi

And so annoying, I found my cheek drenched in tears. fiuh...
I realize that,  this life rotate like a roller coaster. I had been through, rounds of fun and now i found my self without a soul, felt really tired.
I feel disgusted with the circumstances that eventually led to a fake smile and sincerity.

I miss my self , I miss sincerity and the smile that is really for me.
I miss acceptance of people,

With it’s ups & downs, fake & sincerity, cloudy & sunny, happy with laughs, sadness with tears. 

But, That is what life is like.
Keep your head to the sky and wipe your tears girl…
you’ll find happiness, in time..., when you letting all flow is…

-Nanda Mayank

photo by me

1 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

i miss your smile too mba :)